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The next level of artificial intelligence is here with SAS

Artificial Intelligence

What it is and why it matters?

Artificial intelligence (AI) allows machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. Today, AI is mostly based on deep learning and natural language processing, whether it’s chess-playing computers or self-driving cars. Computers can be trained to perform specific tasks using these technologies by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns.

Why is artificial intelligence important?

  • The use of artificial intelligence automates repetitive learning and discovery based on data.

  • By automating repetitive, high-volume, computerized tasks, AI eliminates the need to automate manual tasks. In addition, it is reliable and fatigue-free. It is still essential for humans to set up the system and ask the right questions.

  • AI will improve many of the products you use today, much like Siri was added as a feature to a new generation of Apple products. In order to improve many technologies, automation, conversational platforms, bots and smart machines can be combined with large amounts of data. In addition to security intelligence and smart cameras, investment analysis is also available at home and at the workplace.

  • Through progressive learning algorithms, AI adapts by letting data do the programming.

  • Using artificial intelligence, algorithms can learn from data by finding patterns and structure. An algorithm can also teach itself what product to recommend next online, just as it can teach itself to play chess. In addition, new data can be incorporated into the models.

  • In AI, neural networks that have many layers are used to analyze more and deeper data. In the past, it was impossible to build a fraud detection system with five hidden layers. With the advent of computer power and big data, all of that has changed. To train deep learning models, you need lots of data since they learn directly from it.

  • By using deep neural networks, AI achieves incredible accuracy. For example, your interactions with Alexa and Google are all based on deep learning.

  • Using AI, you can make the most of your data. Data itself is an asset when algorithms are self-learning. The answers are in the data. You just have to apply AI to find them. With data playing a greater role than ever before, it can be a competitive advantage. Even if everyone is applying similar techniques in a competitive industry, the best data will win.


Why choose SAS for AI solutions?

Develop your creativity. Open up a world of possibilities. Boost your productivity. Make a bigger impact. Our software incorporates AI capabilities to provide you with more intelligent, automated solutions. The AI technologies we offer support diverse environments and scale to meet changing business needs, from machine learning to computer vision to natural language processing (NLP).

Operationalizing AI With Supporting Technologies From SAS
Data Management

For AI to produce reliable results, good data is essential. Using our data management capabilities, you can access and integrate data from virtually any source. Using a suggestion engine simplifies data preparation. Furthermore, data governance tracks data and model lineage, so you’ll know which models need retraining if your data changes.


In order to uncover insights from AI solutions and reveal data relationships, analytical visualization is crucial. With SAS visualization tools, you can consume and act on insights in a whole new way


Regardless of your organization’s size, deploying analytical solutions effectively will accelerate innovation. With SAS, you can quickly deploy complex AI projects into a production environment, reducing the risk to current operations and speeding up time to value.

Decision Support

Business rules and analytical models are combined in decision support to deliver objective, repeatable actions. Using SAS decision support, your customers can make better decisions in real time to enable a better experience.