For Innovative Services, help and support to build a highly optimized and reliable technology solutions

About Cloud 7
As an expert in all new technologies, Cloud Seven Information Technology UAE has garnered proficiency to build and maintain.
Cloud solutions and security for a multitude of industry domains, be it any size or segment.
With a relentless focus on attaining business growth and efficiency for our esteemed clients, our cloud resources have over 20 years of experience in IT in the London Financial City (United Kingdom), ensuring the best of development and architecture designing services.

Our Vision

To be the top choice in the market when it comes to IT services. We envision to be the leading IT firm in the Middle East that provides high-quality IT services.

Our Mission

To satisfy our clients with our excellent, high-quality, and sufficient IT services and products, as well as our team’s passion and commitment.

Transition to the Cloud confidently, efficiently and securely, by introducing automation and hosted working to enable your teams to work anywhere.

Ready to get started and accelerate your Cloud adoption?
We can help you straight away, with an assessment either virtually or in one of our Digital Transformation Centers. Get in touch with our expert team.

We Are The Experts

Utilizing the latest technology will significantly improve your business efficiency, productivity, and reliability.

We are brilliant at digital transformation.

Ready to transform your business?

Driving Digital Transformation For Businesses

Why work with CLOUD7?

The Power of End-to-End Cloud Solutions for Businesses



20 years of experience in the IT industry for private & public sectors

Provider of all services

Our Portfolio Covers all your business needs


Consultancy in the latest technology based on the business needs

Cost Efficiency

Reducing The Total Cost of Ownership

Quality Assurance

Service Auditing By Experts


24/7 Support Team

What We Do

Cloud7 Services:

Cloud Solutions

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and set of services provided by Microsoft.
It offers a wide range of cloud-based computing resources, including virtual machines, storage, databases, networking, analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and more. Azure enables organizations to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through Microsoft’s global network of data centers.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by
It offers a wide range of services that provide computing power, storage, database functionality, networking, machine learning, artificial intelligence, analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), security, and more. AWS enables individuals, businesses, and governments to build and deploy applications and services quickly and securely, without the need to invest in costly infrastructure.

With our range of end-to-end modernization services, you can transform, grow, and manage your business in the cloud in a rapid and scalable manner.

  • Office 365 Migration
  • Intune
  • SharePoint Development
  • Dynamic 365
  • Office 365 Adoption & User Enablement

Cloud7 Group is Google Cloud Partner Now

Cloud Security
Application Modernization
Data Center Migration
Google DevOps
Google AI
Google IoT

Robotics | AI Services

Artificial Intelligence

The future belongs to artificial intelligence, which will reduce the employee’s errors and enable humans to be more productive.. Azure AI - AWS AI - Datarobot - SAS

Robotics Process Automation

Reduce your operations’ costs and boost your team’s productivity by automating your business process & Enhance your business with: Automation Anywhere RPA - UiPath RPA

Cyber Security Services

In a world of constant threat, ensuring that your underlying cloud platform is protected is the first step on your organization’s journey towards a secure, compliant operating environment.

Cyber Security

Cloud Security - Email Anti-Phishing solution - Penetration test - Cloud Governance and Policies


Runtime Vulnerability Analysis - Palo Alto Security Services - F5 Security Services

The Cloud Is A Journey, Not A Destination

Delivering Best-In-Class Enterprise Solutions and Services

Cloud Services