Privacy Policy

 As a user of the Cloud 7 website (“Website”), your online privacy is important to us. We have prepared this Privacy Policy to help you understand how we handle your personal information while using our Website and how we ensure your privacy. Additionally, it will inform you of your rights as a data subject. You are also provided the necessary information in this Privacy Policy to be able to consent to the processing of your personal data in an explicit and informed manner, where appropriate.
Any information or data provided to Cloud 7 over the Website, or which we collect in any other way through the Website, will be processed by us lawfully, fairly, and transparently. In this regard, Cloud 7 adheres to international guidelines regarding the processing of personal data, such as purpose limitation, storage limitation, data minimisation, data quality, and confidentiality.
Do we process any of your Personal Data?
Cloud 7 collects and processes information about you (as an individual) when you use the Website, which allows you to be identified either by itself or in conjunction with other information. If you choose to provide us with information about other individuals, we may be able to collect and process that information as well. This information may be classified as “Personal Data”. If you choose to provide us with Personal Data, such as when you subscribe to the newsletter or request services via the Website, or if we analyze your behavior on the Website, we can collect it.
Through our Website, we may process the following Personal Data:
Name, contact information, and other personal information
You will be asked for information about yourself in various sections of the Website – for example, in the webforms that can be used to request a callback or a quotation. These include your name, phone number, email address, and country of residence.
You may also choose to provide additional information to Cloud 7 on the Website or over the telephone with Customer Service when you contact us. You may also choose to disclose information in our webforms’ free text fields.
Special Categories of Personal Data
On the Website, there may be free text fields where you can write messages to us, which may contain Personal Data. The use of them may lead you to disclose more sensitive information about yourself (inadvertently or not). Please do not disclose any Special Category Personal Data on our Website unless you consider it strictly necessary. We won’t process your Personal Data further without your explicit consent if you do so.
Browsing data
Computer systems and software procedures are used as part of the routine operation of our Website, as is standard with any Internet website. In spite of the fact that we don’t collect this information in order to link it to specific users, this information can still be used to identify those users directly or indirectly. This information is also Personal Data, so it must be considered as such.
This information includes several parameters related to your operating system and IT environment, including your IP address, location (country), the domain names of your computer, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources you request on the Website, the time of requests made, the method used to submit requests to the server, the dimensions of the file obtained in response to a request, the numerical code indicating the status of the response sent by the server (successful, error, etc.), and so on.
In addition to compiling statistical information about the use of the Website, these data are used to identify any faults and/or abuse of the Website.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a website sends to your computer and registers, so that when you visit the same site again, it can send you the same cookie. By using these cookies, these websites are able to “remember” your actions and preferences (e.g., login details, language, font size, other display settings, etc.), so you do not have to change those settings each time you visit the website, or when you switch pages within a website.
Whenever you access a website, cookies are used to authenticate your session, monitor your activity, and save information about what you’ve done. The cookies may also contain a unique ID code that allows websites to track your browsing behavior, for advertising or statistical purposes. Some website operations may not be possible without the use of cookies, which are sometimes necessary for the website to operate.
In addition to cookies from the site being visited, cookies from other sites or web servers may also be received.
When browsing a website, you may receive different types of cookies, which can be classified according to their purpose. There are several types of cookies: technical cookies, browsing / session cookies, functionality cookies (which do not usually require consent), analytics cookies and profiling cookies.
What types of cookies do we use in general?
Our website uses the following types of cookies:
Cookies used for browsing the Website or for accessing the Website’s content and services are considered “browsing cookies.”.
In addition to analytics cookies, Cloud 7 tracks traffic to and from the Website in order to understand how users use it.
These cookies enable the Website to perform specific functions and to configure it in accordance with your preferences (e.g., language) so that you have a better user experience.
Do we use third-party cookies?
A third-party cookie is one that is set by another website / web server other than the Cloud 7 website. Our website uses Google Analytics. Using this tool allows us to evaluate the Website’s use, analyze your behavior and improve your experience with our website. It was developed by Google to collect information about how people use the Website. As an independent data controller, Google is responsible for handling your personal information.
Visit for more information about opting out of Google Analytics. Online platforms such as AdChoice enable you to set your preferences for third-party cookies.
Using your browser options, you can also block or delete cookies used on the Website. When you access the Website with a different browser, your cookie preferences will be reset. Please refer to the following instructions on how to set your browser’s cookie preferences:
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
CAUTION: You may experience problems browsing the Website if you block or delete technical and/or function cookies used by it. In addition, other services or functions on the Website may not be available if you do so. Each time you visit the Website, you may have to enter or modify some information manually.
Providing information about someone else: what you need to know
Our Website contains free text fields where you can write messages to us, as mentioned in the previous section. There may be Personal Data included in these messages (inadvertently or not).
You are considered an independent data controller when you share Personal Data about other individuals and are responsible for all inherent legal obligations and responsibilities that arise. As a result, you must fully indemnify Cloud 7 against any claims or demands for compensation for damages brought by third parties whose information you provide through the Website, as a result of the processing of this Personal Data.
You must ensure that you obtain the consent of these third parties before providing us with any information regarding them, since we do not obtain this information directly from them (but rather indirectly from you). To lawfully provide us with this information, you must have some other appropriate grounds on which you can rely.
Why do we process your Personal Data?
The following purposes are pursued through the use of your Personal Data:
Cloud 7’s customer service team is available to assist you, whenever you require any of Cloud 7’s services (the “Service Provision”);
For future marketing, promotional and publicity purposes (including direct marketing, market research, and surveys), such as sending you e-mail marketing communications about our services or providing you with additional information about other websites and services Cloud 7 believes may be of interest to you (“Marketing”);
To improve our offerings by analyzing how you and other users use the Website, as well as your information and feedback (collectively, “Analytics”);
In order to comply with our legal obligations, policies, and procedures (“Compliance”);
The fraudulent activity carried out through our Website must be prevented and detected (“Misuse/Fraud”).
Why are we allowed to process your Personal Data?
In accordance with Section 3, Cloud 7 is legally entitled to process your Personal Data for the following purposes:
In providing the Services to your company, we need to process your data in order to fulfill our legitimate interests and/or comply with our legal obligations.
Marketing: Cloud 7’s legitimate interest is to send you direct e-mail marketing communications. Through the link provided at the bottom of all such communications, you can block these communications, and you will not suffer any consequences for doing so (aside from not receiving further communications from Cloud 7 ).
For compliance purposes, Cloud 7 must process data for this purpose. Whenever you provide us with Personal Data, we must process it in accordance with applicable laws. You may be required to retain and report your Personal Data to official authorities for compliance with tax, customs, and other legal requirements.
Analytics: We use this information to know how users interact with the Website and to provide a better user experience by improving the Website accordingly.
By accepting our pop-up banner on our website, you are consenting to our use of analytics cookies for these purposes.
Misuse/Fraud: Information collected for this purpose is used exclusively to detect and prevent fraudulent activity or misuse of our Website (for potentially criminal purposes). In order to ensure the security of our website and prevent the use of it for potentially criminal purposes, we use your personal data in this manner because we have assessed that we have a legitimate interest.
Who may receive your Personal Data?
Please note that your Personal Data may be shared with the following persons / entities (“Recipients”):
In the course of providing the Services, Cloud 7 may receive advice and consultancy from people, companies, or professional firms that specialize in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial, or debt collection matters;
Entities providing the Services (e.g., hosting providers or email platform providers);
Those authorized to perform technical maintenance (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communications networks);
Cloud 7 employees who are authorised by Cloud 7 to process Personal Data necessary to perform activities strictly related to the provision of the Services, who are subject to an appropriate legal confidentiality obligation (e.g., Cloud 7 employees).
Cloud 7 Group companies, licensees and joint venture partners for internal administrative purposes and/or the provision of our services; and
If permitted by law or binding orders of such entities, bodies or authorities, your Personal Data may be disclosed to them;
Your Personal Data may be transferred to Recipients located in several countries due to Cloud 7’s presence and business operations worldwide. A copy of these safeguards is available from Cloud 7 upon written request at the following address: Info@Cloud A copy of these safeguards is available upon written request to Cloud 7 at the following address: Info@Cloud
For how long may we keep your Personal Data?
In order to fulfil Service Provision purposes, personal data will be kept only as long as necessary. As these Personal Data are processed for the provision of our Services, we may retain them for a longer period of time if necessary to protect our interests regarding potential liability in connection therewith.
Cloud 7 will retain your Personal Data for Marketing purposes until you object to their use. Personal Data will no longer be used for these purposes if you object, although Cloud 7 may retain it in order to protect its interests with regard to potential liability.
The specific legal obligation or the applicable law will determine how long Cloud 7 will keep personal data processed for compliance purposes.
In order to protect your Personal Data from misuse/fraud, Cloud 7 will keep it for as long as it is deemed strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless you have legally objected to it.
Information about your rights
With respect to our processing of your Personal Data, you have the right to exercise the following rights at any time:
Access your Personal Data (and / or obtain a copy of your Personal Data), as well as information about how your Personal Data is being processed;
If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you can correct or update it;
In the event that you feel the processing of your Personal Data is unnecessary or unlawful, you may request its erasure;
In the event that the Personal Data processed is inaccurate, unnecessary, unlawful, or you have objected to its processing, you may request the restriction of the processing;
It is your right to request a copy of the Personal Data you provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, as well as to request their transfer to another data controller;
If you believe that our processing of your Personal Data for a particular purpose must be prohibited by relevant grounds relating to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your Personal Data; and
In cases where you have consented to the processing (for Analytics), you can withdraw your consent. The lawfulness of processing carried out before your withdrawal will not be affected.
How to exercise your rights?
Using our website, you can block or opt out of profiling/analytics cookies (see “How can you change your cookie settings?”).
Alternatively, you may also contact Cloud 7 at to exercise your rights as described above.
Depending on the applicable law, you may be entitled to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authorities for the protection of Personal Data if you believe that your Personal Data is being processed unlawfully through our Website.
This Privacy Policy entered into force on December 08, 2022
This Privacy Policy may be amended partly or fully, or simply updated. Such changes will be communicated to you as soon as they are introduced, and they will become binding as soon as they are posted on the website. As a result, we encourage you to regularly visit our website to ensure you are familiar with the latest version of our Privacy Policy. As a result, you will always be aware of how your Personal Data is collected and used.