Embrace The Power Of Artificial Intelligence With DataRobot

DataRobot is the AI Cloud leader, delivering a unified platform for all users, all data types, and all environments, accelerating AI delivery to production.

DataRobot delivers a world-class AI Cloud platform together with an AI-native strategic success team that enables organizations to rapidly turn data into value through the power of AI.

More than a trillion predictions have been delivered by DataRobot for global customers across industries and verticals, including a third of the Fortune 50.

With DataRobot, you can build models that solve real-world problems across industries and domains using automatic machine learning (AutoML). DataRobot generates multiple machine learning (ML) models using the data you provide and recommends the best model. DataRobot does not require you to be a data scientist to build ML models, but you can build better models if you understand the basics. With DataRobot’s AI expertise, you will be able to develop models that solve problems quickly and accurately.

The DataRobot platform supports a variety of ML modelling approaches, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, time series modelling, segmented modelling, and multimodal modelling.



In addition to reading
and profiling data from a wide variety
of sources,
DataRobot automatically
corrects errors as it goes.


The DataRobot algorithm is capable of automatically detecting errors and correcting them as the test goes. DataRobot is able to select just the right mix of machine learning algorithms based on the data and your business problem.


With DataRobot, data is automatically preprocessed to get the best results using the ‘technique to be tested’.


You can choose the most accurate predictive model for your data by learning from your data, validating what you learn with experimental data, and displaying the results.


A real-time prediction engine and a batch prediction engine are available in DataRobot
Hadoop prediction engine. Using self-service APIs, prediction engines can run independently of learning engines so your data scientists can continue working on current projects as new predictions are needed.