Enhance your business with Automation Anywhere

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Robotic Process Automation makes business users more agile in achieving their business objectives by providing control over the digital workforce. Meanwhile, Robotic Desktop Automation enables front-office users to give robots specific tasks on demand, bringing virtual assistance into reality. It’s important for companies to adopt this technology early enough and use their workforce for strategic activities rather than repetitive work that can be handled by robots. Over time, RPA will be able to facilitate more complex processes requiring intelligence to make decisions.

A Robotics Process Automation assistant mimics human actions on computers, such as typing, clicking, scrolling, copying & pasting, dragging & dropping, etc. It is basically possible for a software robot to do anything we do on a computer. Additionally, RPA provides convenient and user-friendly tools that can be operated by business users and that allow robots to be trained to perform business processes that do not require complex decision-making. To perform certain tasks, robots must follow a sequence of steps defined in this training. This is most likely applicable to processes that require users to interact with multiple applications and to transfer information between them – particularly when direct integration is not possible or too expensive and time-consuming.

For Robotic Desktop Automation, the same concept applies. Various repetitive tasks can be automated and users can control the robots so they can trigger them when needed. By doing so, sensitive data can be handled more accurately, tasks can be completed faster, and users can get guidance on how to proceed.

In order to make robotic processes more intelligent, robots can be easily integrated with other AI applications.

Automation Anywhere

One of the leading RPA vendors, Automation Anywhere offers powerful and user-friendly RPA capabilities to automate human-intensive business processes. It is a web-based management system that helps companies automate end-to-end business processes. There are more than 500 leading brands worldwide that use this tool to manage and scale their business processes at near-zero error rates and minimize operational costs. Instead of writing code, Automation Anywhere lets you build scripts to perform repetitive tasks. Various tasks can be automated, including Windows configuration and remote database access.


Automation Anywhere offers various products to support enterprises in their journey of digital transformation.

Automation Anywhere Enterprise RPA

With advanced capabilities, the product provides an intuitive interface for business users, bot developers, and automation administrators. It is the most user-friendly platform, helps to avoid complexity, and ensures rapid adoption and deployment. In addition to meeting the requirements of the digital workforce, it is also flexible enough to evolve with the company’s needs.


Business users can experience the power of advanced artificial intelligence technologies with IQBot, a cognitive bot designed to help and learn from them. With its integration with enterprise RPA, IQBot enables enterprises to gain massive productivity gains by automating complex tasks involving unstructured data.

Bot Insights

To analyze bot performance, the platform displays statistics and graphs. Furthermore, it allows the automation process to be calculated in terms of time saved. This is the first analytics solution designed specifically for bots. With Bot Insights, real-time business insights are tightly integrated with digital workforce performance.


The platform is an enterprise-grade platform for RPA bots on-demand. One-click deploys bots anywhere, anytime, to scale the digital workforce. Thousands of software bots can be created, deployed, and handled with scalability, elasticity, and resilience.

Bot Store

A marketplace dedicated to business automation initiatives that provide plug-and-play bots. Within seconds, enterprises can discover, deploy, and mobilize bots, including process bots, application bots, and cognitive bots.