Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions of Use of the website (the “Website”) operated by Cloud Seven Information Technology LLC (“Cloud 7 ”) are applicable to all users (“you” and “your”) of the Website.
In accessing this Website, you are automatically agreeing to the following terms and conditions, the privacy policy, as well as any other relevant policies, terms and conditions and notices applicable to your use of the Website (collectively referred to as “Terms and Conditions”).
You must stop using or accessing the Website if you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions.
Intellectual Property Rights
Cloud 7 or its licensors own all intellectual property rights in the contents of the Website. Without the prior written consent of Cloud 7, no part of the Website may be copied, reproduced, modified, transmitted, stored or exploited for commercial gain, whether on another website or in any other medium. For personal or internal business purposes, you may print or download extracts from the Website to your hard drive or other storage device.
By using this Website unauthorisedly, you may violate intellectual property regulations, privacy and publicity laws, and communication regulations.
Use of Website
There are no automatic devices, programs, algorithms, methodologies, or similar or equivalent manual processes that may be used to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Website, including “page-scraping”, “robots”, “spiders,” or any similar or equivalent manual processes. In any way, you may not reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website, or obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents, or information through any means other than those made available on the Website.
Through hacking, password mining, or any other unauthorized means, you are prohibited from accessing any part of or feature of the Website, or any other system or network connected to the Website, or any service available on or through the Website.
There may be links on the Website to third-party websites (“Linked Sites”). Cloud 7 provides these links only for your convenience, and is not responsible for their content.
Cloud 7 does not endorse the Linked Sites included on its site. Linked Sites are provided to you at your own risk. When you visit another website that is linked to Cloud 7, we recommend that you review its privacy policy and all its terms and conditions before proceeding. Whenever Cloud 7 requests that you remove a link or cease a link to the Website, you must comply. It is prohibited to include advertising or other revenue-generating material in any part of the Website content without Cloud 7’s prior written consent.
Cloud 7 or its content suppliers are the sole owners of all content available on this Website, including text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, and software. International copyright laws protect all content on this Website that has been compiled, arranged, and assembled exclusively by Cloud 7. This Website uses software that is owned by Cloud 7 or its software providers and is protected under international copyright laws.  This Website’s content may not be reproduced, modified, distributed, transmitted, republicated, displayed, or performed in any other way.
By breaching any of these terms and conditions, as well as by engaging in any activities associated with the Website, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Cloud 7 and its affiliate companies and their officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims arising directly and indirectly.
If you access the Website from a country where there are laws and regulations regarding access, use, export, re-export, and import of content, you are responsible for complying with those laws and regulations.
Data Entry
According to our Privacy Policy, Cloud 7 may retain any data you provide through the Website. This data may be deleted at any time by Cloud 7. You acknowledge that Cloud 7 is not responsible for the loss or deletion of such data and that you are solely responsible for maintaining a backup copy.
Limitation of Liability
Through Cloud 7 , its suppliers, or other means, the Website makes certain information and material available to you. The Website’s information and material is provided “as is”, without any consideration for any individual user’s specific objectives, circumstances, or needs, and without any warranty of any kind.
There is no warranty or representation made by Cloud 7 regarding the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or any other aspect of the Website or Linked Sites. Any loss or damage, whether caused directly, indirectly, consequentially, or otherwise, will not be covered by Cloud 7, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise. Statements or representations made on this website are released by you from all claims.
The Website is provided by Cloud 7, without any express or implied warranty, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, to the fullest extent possible under applicable law. Cloud 7 excludes all responsibility and liability regarding the Website. There is no guarantee that the functions contained in the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses.
Cloud 7 , and its officers and employees will be indemnified to the maximum extent allowed by law against all costs, expenses and damages incurred in the event that a third party brings a claim against Cloud 7 arising from a breach of any of the Terms and Conditions committed by you. All affiliates of Cloud 7 , including any parent or subsidiary company, will be covered by the limitation/exclusion of liability of Cloud 7 .
It shall not be considered a waiver of Cloud 7’s right to subsequently enforce this provision or any others in the Terms and Conditions in the event that it fails to enforce the strict performance of such provisions.
The Terms and Conditions may be changed by Cloud 7 at any time without notice. By continuing to use the Website, you agree to accept the modified Terms and Conditions and that all previous versions of the Terms and Conditions have been superseded. It is your responsibility to check these Terms and Conditions each time you access the Website. The Terms and Conditions were last updated on December 08, 2022.
The validity and enforceability of these terms and conditions shall not be affected by the invalidity, voidness, or unenforceability of any condition.
Terms and Conditions and the use of the Website are governed by and construed according to the law and regulations of the Emirate of Dubai, the federal laws of the United Arab Emirates, and the United Arab Emirates laws.
Send an email to info@Cloud 7.group if you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding the Website or the Terms and Conditions.